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The more emulsifier, the lower viscosity?


The number of these emulsifiers determines the number of latex particles in the whole polymerization system, which has little change in the whole polymerization process. However, as the pre emulsified monomers gradually add more emulsifiers, they will not form new micelles and increase the number of new latex particles, as mentioned in the classical theory textbook. Instead, these emulsifiers will preferentially transfer to the surface of the formed latex particles and increase the thickness and strength of the emulsifier film on the polymer surface.

Why? Let's not talk about polymers, let's talk about monomers. Can we use the same amount of emulsifier to make emulsion similar to blue, or more delicate? Our answer is: no! Why? Because it has not yet been polymerized, it will be a blue, stable emulsion after polymerization.


How to use emulsifier in baking and precautions: these food additives can produce some effects that natural raw materials cannot achieve. For example, xanthan gum can be used to thicken, viscid and help stabilize the tissue structure of baked goods, playing the same role as gluten in baked goods. Therefore, in gluten free baking, because gluten free flour does not contain gluten, xanthan gum is used instead of gluten to play the same role. Soy lecithin can also help dry ingredients and wet ingredients stick together well, and can increase the humidity of baked goods.

A. in the baking of bread, instant bread or biscuits, 1-3 tbsp of granular soybean lecithin is usually added to every three cups of flour in the dry ingredients. In the baking formula, reducing 1-2 tablespoons of granular soybean lecithin can not only reduce the fat in the formula, but also extend the shelf life of the food for 3 days. Reducing the fat in one quarter cup baking formula and increasing 2-3 tbsp of granular soybean lecithin can prolong the shelf life of food by 3-5 days;

B. mix all dry ingredients evenly, including granular soybean lecithin, and then sieve them into another mixing plate;

C. replace the wet ingredients in the baking formula. To replace two tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil, or egg yolk in the formula, add 1-2 tablespoons of granulated soybean lecithin per three cups of flour. 2-3 tablespoons of granular soybean lecithin can replace a quarter cup of vegetable oil or butter, or two yolks in the formula;

D. mix wet ingredients and perceptual ingredients evenly. If it is used to make bread, the dough can be fermented according to the normal fermentation time.


The website of this article: http://en.mao-heng.cn/news/446.html

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      Jiangsu Maoheng Chemical Co., Ltd.

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